Dina Rachmawati, Yudi Juniardi, Zahra Fauziah


This research aimed to: 1) analyze quality of students’ exposition text; 2) analyze their responses towards learning writing exposition text using peer correction technique; and 3) find out challenges that they faced during the learning. Qualitative research method, especially document analysis design, was chosen. In this research, students’ texts were analyzed to answer first research question and open-ended questionnaire was given to students to answer second and third research questions. To triangulate the findings from those instruments, peer debriefing and member checks methods were done. To analyze the data, qualitative data analysis by Miles et al. (2014) was employed. The data analysis revealed that: 1) quality of students’ exposition texts improved, especially in generic structure aspect; 2) students mostly grouped themselves with more competent peers, learned lesson material beforehand as preparation for correcting, used both English and Indonesian when correcting, concerned more about language feature of peers’ texts, employed their critical thinking in processing feedbacks, became a better writer in the end of semester, and still preferred teacher correction over peer correction technique; and 3) students biggest challenge was poor writing skill. From those findings, it is highly recommended that teachers who want to apply this technique should thoughtfully group the students by themselves and give any assistance needed by students as probably their writing skill may impede them in giving meaningful feedback.



Peer Correction Technique, Exposition Text.

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RILL is a journal of first and second (foreign) language learning and teaching such as Javanese, Sundanese, Bahasa Indonesia, English, Arabic, Malay, etc. with p-ISSN 2614-5960 and e-ISSN 2615-4137