Novie Eko Puspitasari, Endang Sutrisno, Ayih Sutarih


During the COVID pandemic, the workload of health workers increased, especially nurses. However, in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of nurses, they still need to pay attention to patient safety. Legal responsibilities in providing health services are in accordance with professional standards, professional service standards, standard operating procedures and professional ethics and health needs of recipients of health services. Nurse services that are not in accordance with procedures can pose a risk to patients. The form of legal responsibility for nurses if they do not comply with procedures is a form of individual responsibility, where sanctions are in the form of administrative, civil or criminal sanctions. In disciplining nurses who do not in accordance with the procedures in carrying out tasks carried out by the Nursing committee, namely the ethics and discipline sub-committee.

Kata Kunci

nurse; legal accountability, services

Teks Lengkap:




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Other Sources

Legal Angle, “Legal Responsibilities”,(https://www.Angkum for law.html?m=1, accessed on date September 13.



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