Noeris Meiristiani, Yulia Nur Ekawati


English subject that is learnt in Mechanical Engineering Study Program is different from English subject learnt in other programs, relating to the aspects of target situation, students’ weaknesses, students’ wishes and their needs. This research aims to find out Mechanical Engineering students’ problems in learning English, students’ needs in learning English and the process of designing syllabus of English subject. This research is case study using qualitative approach. The research participants are 40 students of Mechanical Engineering in third semester, in the academic year of 2017/2018 and two English lecturers who teach in Mechanical Engineering Study Program. The instruments to collect the data are questionnaire, interview and documentation (students’ achievement). Data moreover are reduced, displayed and then conclusions are drawn. The research results show that English subject is needed in Mechanical Engineering department. Students’ needs in learning English related with material aspects of listening, speaking, reading, writing, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. In addition, the materials of mechanical engineering and application letter using English are also needed. Moreover, students’ problems in learning English are students’ lack confidence in mastering English both orally and in written. Students’ weaknesses in mastering pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary make English subject difficult to learn. In addition, they do not get used to reading and writing English texts. From the results, it is then recommended to review and design the syllabus of English for Mechanical Engineering which is suitable with students’ needs and give benefits for students and institution.


ESP; Needs Analysis; English for Mechanical Engineering

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RILL is a journal of first and second (foreign) language learning and teaching such as Javanese, Sundanese, Bahasa Indonesia, English, Arabic, Malay, etc. with p-ISSN 2614-5960 and e-ISSN 2615-4137