Arlinda Rosmelani, Endang Sutrisno, Sanusi Sanusi


Basically, everyone has the right to receive health services and the state is responsible for providing proper health service facilities and public service facilities. The hospital as a business entity organization in the health sector has an important role in realizing public health. During the Covid 19 pandemic, the hospital's policy to regulate doctors in charge of services was regulated in the Decree of the Hospital Director and the Handbook of Doctors in Charge of Hospital Services. This becomes the regulation that forms the basis of the Doctor in Charge of Service in the implementation of medical care, and the Director's decree and this guidebook are the main reference for the Hospital. Juridical Consequences due to negligence of the Doctor in Charge of Service, i.e. in civil, criminal law and administration by the Hospital. In an effort to discipline doctors in charge of services who commit negligence in carrying out their duties, it is carried out by the Hospital Ethics Committee through a professional discipline committee, namely the Medical Committee.

Kata Kunci

hospital policies; accountability; legal

Teks Lengkap:



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