The Effectiveness of Using Kahoot on Understanding Mathematics through Study from Home

Damar Rais, Zhao Xue Zhi


Abstract. The study from home (SFH) is an everyday activity in global education right now. Kahoot in learning environments is an alternative to accelerating students' interest in learning and understanding mathematics. This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of Kahoot on understanding mathematics learning through SFH. This study investigates the effect of using Kahoot in linear programming. There were 122 students, with 48 males and 74 females. Student outcomes and perceptions of Kahoot were collected to determine the effect of using Kahoot in mathematics learning through SFH. The effect of using Kahoot in mathematics was assessed using quantitative (test) and qualitative (questionnaire) methods. The analysis of the data was done using two-way ANOVA. The result of this study indicates that Kahoot can be used effectively in student motivation in learning through SFH, increased student outcomes, low-skilled students could achieve 56.56%, and understandable learning in virtual environments with Kahoot. Using the Kahoot method has an influence on skills towards the result in class virtual, a positive impact on student's experience in learning (around 90.7% of students enjoy learning with this virtual learning system), and the potential to increase the keenness of students to learn in mathematics through SFH.

Keywords: study from home, kahoot, linear programming, motivation, mathematics learning

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