Author Guidelines
Journal of Green Science and Technology (JGST) is publicated twice a year, they are in March and September by Faculty of Engineering Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon. The purpose of this journal are :
- share knowledge, invention, and development of civil engineering knowledge, in theoritical or practical through research result.
- Accommodate the scientific research result with bussiness world thats needed.
- Motivate the researcher and practitioners to publicate the invention result in the field.
Journal of Science and Technology (JGST) is openly accept article from the widest range that contain suitable to science and engineering study, and the applications are suitable to this purpose of this journal. Editorial team will decide to eliminate the article that will published after getting agreement from expert editor, and the author can correct according to the advice from reviewer team. The evaluation result of editorial board and/or expert editor team, classified to : 1) The Manuscript is accepted without correction. 2) The Manuscript is accepted with correction. 3) The Manuscript is rejected. All the Manuscript that judged by editorial board and/or expert editorial with accepted correction category, will be sent to the writer with the review result after 1 (one) month collection time. Then, the corrected Manuscript must be accepted at least 2 weeks later. The tardiness of returnment script will causing the script cannot be published at the edition and will be considered for the next edition, the script with rejected category will not be returned.
Some guides for writers like the paper size, writing format, are :
Manuscript must be typed in A4 HVS paper size in one spacing ( type font : Times New Roman, font size :11) in 2 column format. Margin that is used is 2 cm ( top, bottom, right) 2,5 cm (left). The total page of the script is 5 page minimal and 20 page maximal including bibliography, picture, table, etc. All pages should be given number in sequence.
Article collection time:
The article that have been corrected should be collect 1 month before its publication.
All manuscript must be written in english.
Manuscript Writing Format
The writing sequnce are : Title, Author Name (without degree), instance, email address, abstract, keyword, preface/introduction, script content, conclussion, and bibliography. The abstract is not allowed having more than 200 words. The abstract content is the subject and summary with script conclusion so that it can be thus becoming important document for information system. The keyword should be 3 to 5 words.
Picture and Table
Photos, graphic, ilustration, or diagram are included to picture category. All pictures and tables should be placed between text and identified by latin letters (not roman), numbered in the order (different numbering between picture and table). All fonts, length of line, and symbol should be in one kind printed and should be free of irrelevant information, all pictures shouls be clear, and can be minimized to 50% from the previous size. The typing should be clear and can be read in 50% minimized. All tables and pictures should be explanation legend included.
Mathematics Expression
Symbol and math formula should be typed, some symbol that is misdoubt should be explained in spesific. Number one (1) and i or l letter should be distinguised and so is for number zero (0) and o letter. The equation should be given sequence number. The number of equation shoul be placed in parenthesis . all the equation in sequenced number should be placed in right side from equation and should be placed between the text. Use the order of parenthesis as ; )]}.
References should be included only when it really related and used in the script. The reference sequenced based on writers name according to alphabet.
Kahneman, D. Shovic, dan A. Tversky, eds., 1982, Judgment Under Uncertainty, Heuristic and Blases Cambride, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Palmer, R.J., T.Schmidt, dan J. Wagner, 1996, Corporate procurement cards: the reengnereed future for noninventori purcgasingand payables. Journal Cost Management, 10 (3): 19-32.
Soedjono, Maret 2005, Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja dan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada Terminal Penumpang Umum di Surabaya, Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, Vol 7, No.1. p?publishedD=MAN05070102