Kemi Puji Lestari, Sanusi Sanusi, Diky Dikrurahman


The rights of children must be fulfilled even if they are drug abusers, one of which is to get a proper education.  In fact, there are still children who abuse drugs who cannot continue their schooling and are even expelled from school. The problem is how the fulfillment of children's rights and obstacles in the Cirebon City National Narcotics Board. The goal is that children who are subject to rehabilitation sanctions also get an education and can complete their schooling. This research uses a juridical-empirical or non-doctrinal approach method, the type of research is qualitative, with primary data sources, secondary and tertiary data, with direct interview techniques to related parties. BNN Cirebon City in terms of fulfilling the rights of child victims of drug users, who are rehabilitation clients, has not been fully maximized. Children's rights still need to be considered when undergoing rehabilitation, one of which is proper education. Children are not considered to undergo formal or informal education, due to the absence of facilities and infrastructure and the participation of related agencies such as the Education and Culture Office. The implementation of the fulfillment of children's rights of drug abusers is less than optimal, due to: lack of support from parents, communities, schools and related agencies, lack of support for facilities or special facilities and infrastructure for children and internal constraints from within drug abusers causing the implementation of the fulfillment of children's rights is often not optimal. Children who abuse drugs should have the right to proper education in accordance with existing laws and regulations. For that. the need for support from various parties, especially the education and culture office.

Kata Kunci

Legal Protection; Children's Rights; Drugs

Teks Lengkap:



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