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Law is a series of rules regarding the behaviour of people as members of society both verbally and in writing; every member of the community, including children, certainly has various diverse interests, which can cause clashes or problems with one another over their respective interests. The method used in this research is the juridical-normative method. The approach used in this research is the statute approach and the case approach. The source of legal material used in a study can be in the form of data obtained through library materials and directly from the public. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative analysis, presenting a survey of the data obtained from the research object. The study results are that legal provisions weight the perpetrators of the theft crime against the corruption of robbery committed by children based on decision Number: 8/Pid.Sus Anak/2020/PN.Dps. The application of punishment given to children who commit criminal acts of theft is by imposing prison sentences. The basis for the judge's legal considerations in imposing criminal sanctions on children as perpetrators of the crime of robbery with violence and weighting is the prosecutor's indictment, the purpose of the punishment, mitigating and aggravating matters, the panel of judges tends not to impose the maximum sentence, the hope that the perpetrator does not repeat his actions, the motive for the crime, the attitude of the perpetrator after committing a crime, the consequences, as well as the application of theories related to the primary considerations of judges in deciding cases in court hearings, namely legal certainty, expediency and legal justice.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33603/hermeneutika.v6i2.8436


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