Kebijakan Editorial

Fokus dan Ruang Lingkup

Hermeneutika is particularly interested in publishing innovative papers in the areas of:

  1. Hukum pidana;
  2. Hukum perdata;
  3. Hukum tata negara;
  4. Hukum administrasi negara;
  5. Hukum international;
  6. Hukum masyarakat pembangunan;
  7. Hukum islam;
  8. Hukum bisnis;
  9. Hukum acara; dan
  10. Hak asasi manusia.


Kebijakan Bagian


Centang Naskah Terbuka Centang Diindeks Centang Telah di-Peer review

Proses Peer Review

The Journal operates a peer review process and promotes Double blind reviewing. The acceptance or rejection of articles will be decided by the editorial boards based on the review results supplied by the reviewers. There are communications between authors and editors concerning the rejection decision. Authors whose papers are rejected will be informed with the reasons of the rejection.


Kebijakan Akses Terbuka

Jurnal ini menyediakan akses terbuka yang pada prinsipnya membuat riset tersedia secara gratis untuk publik dan akan mensupport pertukaran pengetahuan global terbesar.