Submission Guideline

General Requirements

  1. Article submissions must follow the following template.
  2. Articles are truly the work by the author
  3. Articles have never been published in other media
  4. Articles must be in accordance with the scope of the Jurnal Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur (JKI)
  5. Articles have a maximum similiarity of 25% after being checked using plagiarism checker/Turnitin software.
  6. Articles are limited to 8 -16 pages

Technical Requirements

Writting Format


Abstract must be written no more than 200 words using Times New Roman font with font size 11, single spaced and justified. The abstract contains the objectives, methods and results of the research. Conclusions can also be included in the abstract as important research-related information. Abstracts are made using 2 languages, namely Indonesian and English.
Keyword: italic letters, consisting of 3-5 words, using commas.


Introduction sections are written in single space using the font Times New Roman with a font size of 11, aligned right and left. The introduction contains important issues that can represent the existing problems in the research and are supported by previous research.

Literature Review

Literature review contain current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to specific topics. A literature review is a written review of primary writings and other sources on a selected topic. Sources included in a review can include scientific journal articles, books, government reports, Web sites, etc. The Literature Review provides a description, summary, and evaluation of each source.

Research Method

Methods and procedures should be written here. The research method or design must be written clearly. The research methodology contains the procedures and methods used in research to collect and analyze (obtain and process) data.

Result and Analysis

Photos, graphics, illustrations and diagrams are included in the "Image" group. All figures and tables must be placed between the text and identified with Latin letters (not Roman), numbered according to the sequence (Sequence number is different between figures and tables). All font sizes, line lengths and symbols must be uniform in black and white printing and must be free of irrelevant information. All images must be clear and can be easily reduced by up to 50% of their original size. Type should be clear and still legible with 50% reduction. All tables and figures must be accompanied by an explanatory legend.
Mathematical symbols and formulas must be typed. Some symbols that raise doubts must be given a special explanation. Must be able to distinguish between the number one (1) and the letter I or l and between the number zero (0) and the letter o. Equations must be numbered sequentially. The serial number of the equation must be placed in parentheses. All equation numbers must be placed on the right side of the equation and must be placed between the text. Use the order of brackets as follows ;)]}.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Conclusions and Recommendations can be combined or presented in a separate section. The Conclusion section summarizes the main points of the research, the salient features of your design, or the significant results of your investigation. The conclusion must be:

  • written to relate directly to the research objectives as stated in the Introduction
  • indicates the extent to which objectives have been achieved
  • summarize the key findings, results or information in the result
  • acknowledge limitations and make recommendations for future work (if any)
  • highlight the importance or value of your research

Recommendations always address limitations and suggest how they can be overcome in future work.

Reference and Bibliography

The bibliography should include only those that are related and actually used in writing the article. The bibliography is sorted by author's name in alphabetical order.


Kahneman, D. Shovic, dan A. Tversky, eds.,1982Judgment Under Uncertainty, Heuristic and Blases Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Palmer, R.J., T.Schmidt, dan J. Wagner, 1996, Corporate procurement cards: the reengnereed future for noninventori purcgasingand payables. Journal of Cost Management, 10 (3): 19-32.

Soedjono, Maret 2005, “Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi dan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada Terminal Penumpang Umum di Surabaya”, Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, Vol 7, No.1.


  • The author is responsible for the language of the article, the editor will not check it. Do a spelling and grammar check. It is already available in the Ms.Word software. 

  • Acknowledgments are optional and are not required. If the author writes an Acknowledgments in the article, please convey it clearly and to whom it is addressed.

  • Articles that will be published in the Journal of Green Science and Technology must first be checked for similarity by the editor, if the results are more than 25%, they will be returned for correction.