Teni Yusrina Fauzia, Ajeng Salsabilla, Ismi Cahyadi


Pembuluh darah utama hidung berasal dari arteri karotis interna dan arteri karotis eksterna. Epistaksis atau perdarahan dari hidung sering dijumpai sehari-hari baik pada anak maupun usia lanjut. Epistaksis seringkali merupakan gejala atau manifestasi dari penyakit lain. Berdasarkan letaknya epistaksis dibagi menjadi epistaksis anterior dan epistaksis posterior. Pasien seorang wanita usia 50 tahun dengan keluhan keluar darah dari hiudng kanan, pusing, pasien memiliki riwayat tekanan darah tinggi tidak terkontrol. Pada pemeriksaan status lokalis didapatkan at regio cavum nasi dextra terdapat darah dan mukosa hiperemis. Hasil laboratoium menunjukkan nilai hemoglobin 11.5. Pasien di diagnosis epistaksis cavum nasi dextra et causa hipertensi emergensi. Pasien di rawat dan diberikan terapi IVFD RL 1500cc/24 jam, bisoprolol, furosemide, captopril dan amlodipine.

Kata kunci: epistaksis, hipertensi



The main blood vessels of the nose come from the internal carotid artery and the external carotid artery. Epistaxis or bleeding from the nose is common in both children and the elderly. Epistaxis is often a symptom or manifestation of another disease. Based on the location, epistaxis is divided into anterior epistaxis and posterior epistaxis. The patient is a woman aged 50 years with complaints of bleeding from the right nose, dizziness, the patient has a history of uncontrolled high blood pressure. On examination of the local status, it was found that in the right cavum nasi region there was blood and hyperemic mucosa. The laboratory results showed a hemoglobin value of 11.5. The patient was diagnosed with epistaxis cavum nasi dextra et causa hypertensive emergency. The patient was hospitalized and given IVFD RL 1500cc/24 hours, bisoprolol, furosemide, captopril and amlodipine.

Keywords: epistaxis, hypertension

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