Yuna Mumpuni Rahayu


This study aims to investigate how Kurikulum 2013 influences students’
development in learning English in Kelas IX in SMP Negeri 14 Cirebon. The
focus of this study is to findout how the implementation of Scientific approach
can improve students’ participation and learning outcome in learning Narrative
text. This collaborative classroom action research did in three cycles and the
participants of this study were 20 students from the target class, the researcher
herself as an observer, and one of English teacher from the target school as a
teacher (collaborator). This is a descriptive-qualitative study because this study
investigated the value of teaching text and the finding from the classroom
observation, the vidio recorded, the field notes and the students’text were
analyzed and then described according to the relevant theorists. The findings are
as follows. Kurikulum 2013 that proposes Scientific approach as a focuses
methodology in teaching significants to improve students’ participation and
learning outcome in Kelas IX di SMP Negeri 14 Cirebon. Students’ ability in
collaborative work influences by heteregonism of the member of group work, and
also the maximal participation of students and teacher. The impelmentation of
Scientific approach contributes on students’ self-esteem in asking and answer
quaestion, give oppinion, investigating for information and in doing presentation.
The approach also creates a joyful and meaningful process of learning because it
facilitates students to give maximal participation during a learning process.
However, Scientific approach consumes time and collaborative work tents to
create inconducive classroom. In implementing this method teacher needs to
encourages students to be maximal in doing their task. Thus, a bigger study with
sufficient time and broaden cycle still suggested for it might contribute on more
significant finding regarding the primary issues.

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Jurnal LOGIKA memiliki p-ISSN 1978-2560 dan e-ISSN 2442-5176