Ruang Terbuka Hijau Dalam Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup

Ratu Mawar Kartina


The living environment is the unity with all things space, power, state, and living creatures, including humans, and behavior, affecting the continuity of our lives and welfare of human beings and other living creatures. The environment can be in katakana as everything around humans or living beings who have a reciprocal relationship and complex interplay between the components with other components.The problem in this thesis is how the implementation of Green Open Space program in the city of Cirebon and what factors that hinder the implementation of green open space.In this study the methods used is a normative legal research methods. Specifications research in descriptive qualitative analysis. Types of data including primary data, secondary and tertiary. The data collection technique is done through interviews, literature studies, and media / website.The result of this research is the implementation of the green space by the City of Cirebon done seriously and gradually it proved with the increasing green space in the city of Cirebon by nine percent. Factors inhibiting RTH program implementation is the problem of land acquisition, the government budget, land prices are higher, the increasing development, the limited facilities and infrastructure.

Keyword: green open space,.land quisition, living environment.

Teks Lengkap:



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