Ni Ketut Citra Sri Apriyanti



Penelitian yang penulis ambil adalah Kelompok Komunikasi Pengusaha Idol JKT48 terhadap Sikap Jantung Komunitas JKT48 di Cirebon. Pertanyaan penelitian yang ditanyakan oleh peneliti adalah adanya Kelompok Penyelidikan Sikap Terhadap Perilaku Komunikasi JKT48 terhadap komunitas penggemar JKT48 di kota Cirebon. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode populasi. Metode penelitian kependudukan yang menganalisis data dari keseluruhan anggota masyarakat sebanyak 40 orang. Hipotesis yang penulis ajukan adalah "Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara Kelompok Komunikasi Sasaran JKT48 fan fanatik masyarakat di kota Cirebon. "Hipotesis statistik dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut Ho (hipotesis nol): rs hitung tabel, maka perumusan masalahnya adalah:" Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara Kelompok Komunikasi Sosiologi Jiwa Penggoda JKT48 di masyarakat kota Cirebon ". Ha (Hipotesis Alternatif): hitung tabel, maka perumusan masalahnya adalah: "Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara Kelompok Komunikasi Sikap Impling JKT48's fan community di kota Cirebon. Dalam hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kelompok Komunikasi, yang baik, seperti dapat dilihat dari keberhasilan Grup Komunikasi, yang mencapai 82,46% dengan total skor 2144, sedangkan sikap imitasi yang baik mencapai 82,77% dengan total skor 1821. Komunikasi Grup memiliki pengaruh kuat terhadap sikap JKT48 Komunitas Imigrasi di Cirebon dengan nilai 0.505 dan rs hitung bila dibandingkan dengan Rs tabel 0,312. Karena r hitung lebih besar dari rs tabel, maka ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara Komunikasi. Sikap Sikap Kelompok terhadap komunitas penggemar JKT48 di kota Cirebon. Dengan demikian Ho (hipotesis nol) ditolak dan Ha (Hipotesis Alternatif) diterima.


Kata kunci: Komunikasi Kelompok, Kelompok Idol JKT48, Sikap Imitasi.





The study which the author take is the Influence Communications Group Idol JKT48 toward the Community Of Imitation Attitude JKT48 in Cirebon. The research question which the researcher asked is there any Effect Communications Group Attitude Imitation JKT48 against JKT48 's fan community in the city of Cirebon.In this study the authors use the method of population. Methods of population research that analyzed data from the whole community members as many as 40 people .The hypothesis that the authors asked was" There is a positive and significant influence between the Communications Group of the Attitudes Imitation JKT48 fan community in the city of Cirebon. "The statistical hypotheses can be formulated as follows Ho (the null hypothesis ) : rs count ≤ rs table, then the formulation of the problem is: "There is a positive and significant influence between the Communications Group of the Attitudes Imitation JKT48 fan community in the city of Cirebon ". Ha ( Alternative Hypothesis ) : count ≤ rs rs table, then the formulation of the problem is: " There is a positive and significant influence between the Communications Group of the Attitudes Imitation JKT48's fan community in the city of Cirebon. In the results showed that the Communications group, which is good, as can be seen from the success of the Communications Group, which reached 82.46 % with a total score of 2144, while the attitude has been good imitation as reached 82.77 % with a total score of 1821. Communications Group has a strong influence on the attitude of the Community Imitation JKT48 in Cirebon with a value of 0.505 and rs count when compared with Rs table 0,312. Because rs count is greater than rs table, then there is a positive and significant influence on the Communications Group Attitude Imitation toward JKT48 's fan community in the city of Cirebon. Thus Ho ( the null hypothesis ) is rejected and Ha ( Alternative Hypothesis ) is received.


Keywords: Communications Group, Idol Group JKT48, Attitude Imitation.



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