Analysis of the Sentiment of Social Media Users to the Teacher's Room Using the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) Algorithm

Nuke L Chusna, Herwanto Herwanto, Elsa Naracristy


This study was made to classify the KNN (K - Nearest Neighbor) algorithm in Twitter user sentiment analysis from Ruangguru in June during the pandemic 2020. Tweet data used were 700 Indonesian-language tweet data with the distribution of training data and test data using a combination of 80% - 20%. Using the KNN algorithm with TF-IDF word weighting, the sentiment values will be classified into two classes, positive and negative. From the test results it is known that the best accuracy value is 88.21% in the parameter value of k = 13, the highest precision is 70.98% in the parameter k = 15, the results of several tests show that the sentiment towards the Teacher's Roomin June tends to be positive.

Kata Kunci

Sentiment analysis, KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor); Social Media; Ruangguru

Teks Lengkap:



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