hendriwanto Hendriwanto, Dindy Aruni Dhifany Zein


This study aims to determine whether or not the students of the said university already have authorial presences. The paper used a qualitative case study, which source of data came from theses collection that were kept within the university, ranging from 2016 up to 2020. The data was analyzed descriptive qualitatively. This study was conducted in a private University in Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. There were ten theses papers that were involved within the study. The result of the study showed that the university students do indeed already have an authorial presence. Research finding shows that although some of them might have indicated the existence of authorial presence within their writing, it did not come off as strong. It can be concluded that university students have already found their own voices, although they have found some barrier along the way as well.

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Voice of English Learners is a journal of Englisih language learning and teaching with e-ISSN 2716-3016