Epidemiologi Penderita Tumor Ganas Kepala Leher di Departemen Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan - Kepala Leher Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung, Indonesia, Periode 2010–2014

Muhammad Syah Mirza Sabirin, Agung Dinasti Permana, Bogi Soeseno


Latar Belakang: Tumor ganas kepala leher adalah kanker yang berasal dari traktus aerodigestif bagian atas seperti traktus sinonasal, rongga mulut, faring dan laring. Tumor ganas kepala leher merupakan masalah kesehatan dengan mortalitas tinggi. Insidensinya meningkat dan menyerang berbagai individu. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui epidemiologi penderita tumor ganas kepala leher di Departemen Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan (THT-KL), Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung 2010–2014.Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif dari rekam medis penderita tumor ganas kepala leher di Departemen THT-KL, Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode 2010–2014, yang diambil secara total sampling.Hasil: Terdapat 1439 pasien penderita tumor ganas kepala leher. Sebanyak 1081 penderita diinklusi; 631 laki-laki dan 450 perempuan. Kebanyakan berpendidikan SD (44.2%), bekerja sebagai ibu rumah tangga (30.6%), dan berusia 46–55 tahun (28.7%). Tumor berlokasi di nasofaring (39.4%), sinonasal (16.9%), laring (13.7%), orofaring (6.4%), tiroid (6.1%), rongga mulut (3.5%), hipofaring (2.5%), dan kelenjar parotis (2.2%). Histopatologi terbanyak yaitu undifferentiated carcinoma (47.3%) dan karsinoma sel skuamosa (31.2%), dengan Stadium I (6.8%), II (13.3%), III (24.5%), IV (55.4%). Simpulan: Kasus tumor ganas kepala leher di departemen THT-KL adalah sebanyak 1439 orang, yang tertinggi adalah karsinoma nasofaring. Lebih banyak terjadi pada laki-laki, lanjut usia, berpendidikan SD, profesi ibu rumah tangga, penderita dengan stadium lanjut dan histopatologi undifferentiated carcinoma Saran: Perbaikan kelengkapan serta sistem penyimpanan data rekam medis. Prevensi, edukasi dan deteksi dini pada masyarakat umum mengenai tumor ganas kepala leher.

Kata Kunci: Epidemiologi, tumor ganas kepala leher

Introduction: Head and neck cancer is carcinoma that arises from upper aerodigestive tract such as sinonasal tract, oral cavity, pharynx, and larnyx. Head and neck cancer is a health problem with a high mortality rate which are increasing and effect many individuals from diverse backgrounds. Aims: Aim of this research is to ascertain the epidemiology of head and neck cancer patients at the Otorhinolaringology-Head and Neck Surgery Department, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia in 2010–2014 Methods: A descriptive method from medical records of head neck cancer patients at Department of Otorhinolaringology-Head and Neck Surgery, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung in 2010–2014 that used the total sampling method. Results and Discussion: There were 1,439 head and neck cancer patients in this research, 1081 were included, of them 631 were men and 450 were women. Most of them were elementary educated (44.2%), housewives (30.6%), and those aged 46–55 years old (28.7%). There were nasopharyngeal (39.4%), sinonasal (16.9%), larnyx (13.7%), oropharnyx (6.4%), thyroid gland (6.1%), oral cavity (3.5%), hypopharynx (2.5%), and parotid gland (2.2%) cancer. The major histopathological findings were undifferentiated carcinoma (47.3%) and squamous cell carcinoma (31.2%). Patients with stage I (6.8%), II (13.3%), III (24.5%), and IV (55.4%). Head neck cancer patients at the Otorhinolaringology-Head and Neck Surgery Department, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung are 1439 cases, with nasopharyngeal carcinoma cases being most predominant. There was a higher instance in middle aged and older, men, and elementary school educated. On the other hand, housewives were also highly affected. Patients came with advanced stages; undifferentiated carcinoma was the major histopathology
Keywords: Epidemiology, head and neck cancer

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