Diana Nurdianti


Back ground in the research problem is there is a tendency to put children at an early
age to kindergarten and early childhood education institutions in the hope of all the potential
of children at this age can be developed optimally, because the children in the gold ( golden
ages ). As an important period, the sensitivity of all the potential of the child to develop. One
of the potential to be developed is the ability to sosioemosional an indispensable aspect of the
child as an important basis for building interactions with others. Problems arise why the
behavior of children who follow learning from an early age showed some aggressive, whiny,
and difficult to intract independently.
Formulation of the problem in this study is 1. How is sosioemosional children who
followed the early childhood lerning in kindergarten and early childhood Cirebon? 2. How is
in kindergarten and early childhood in developing the ability sosioemosional Cirebon
children? 3. How is learning at an early age can make a child depressed sosioemosional.
The purpose of this study was to : 1. Sosioemosional children explained that followed
an early age in preschool an early age in preschool and early childhood learning in Cirebon.
2. Explaining the process of learning in kindergarten and early childhood to develop the
child’s ability sosioemosional 3. Describe lerning in early usi makes sosioemosional children
experience stress in kindergarten and early childhood Cirebon. That makes sosioemosional
pressure in preschool and early childhood Cirebon.
This study used a qualitative approach with a model case study. To examine this
problem researchers use theoretical basisi Bronfrenbrenner ecological theory in discussing
the child’s social context in which he develops and Erikson’s psychosocial theory to discuss
the major changes in the social development of children. Learning theories of Jerome Bruner
and Jean Piaget.
Research conclusion are : 1. Sosioemosional children leraning at an early age to
follow the kindergarten and early childhood environment is still not fully well and develop
more optimal. Problem that often arise in sosioemosional children in kindergarten and early
childhood is the child’s inability to control negative emotions ( aggressiveness ) to overcome
problems when interacting with peers or complete tasks in class. 2. Learning in kindergarten
and early childhood for the development of aspect of child sosioemosional more focused on
the cultivation of moral values, religion and practice social skill like cooperation, concern for
friends to develop a sense of empathy and sympathy, emotions and kemandirian. 3.
Implementation of learning in kindergarten and early childhood is still focused on academic
activities. Dominate the development of more cognitive aspect of the social aspect of emotion,
language and art and ignores learning through play activities. Lack of paly to achieve the
optimal development of all aspects.

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Jurnal LOGIKA memiliki p-ISSN 1978-2560 dan e-ISSN 2442-5176

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