Itah Miftahul Ulum


The purpose of this article is to investigate the thoughts of classical and contemporary scholars in understanding the source of the teachings of Islam and the thinking decadence of Indonesian Muslim about democracy, religious harmony and demystification of Islam. This article uses a literature study which investigates the idea of classical and contemporary scholars, and decadence of Indonesian Muslims’ thinking about democracy, religious harmony and the Islamic demystification through inductive and deductive approach. The study aims to understand their thought comprehensively and systematically in order to build a synthetic understanding based on objective, evidence-based and authentic truth and internal coherence, in order to logically and systematically investigate the basic idea and the central topic of their thinking. The result of this literature study is that Islam accepts democracy and teachs religious harmony to live together with the adherents of other Islamic sects and religions in building a universal civilization. This is in contrary with the fact that the Indonesian Muslims today have experienced the thinking decadence about democracy, religious harmony and the demystification of Islam that cause the role of the Indonesian Muslims in many aspects of live have been the only object of development. Theoretically the study also could enrich and contribute to the scientific literature on democracy, religious harmony and demystification of Islam. In terms of practical thing, the study can be a guide for Muslim community in the social live and teaching that Islam is a universal and tolerant religion toward differences in sects, religions and beliefs, and can cooperate in building a universal civilization.

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Jurnal LOGIKA memiliki p-ISSN 1978-2560 dan e-ISSN 2442-5176