alfandi alfandi, Siti Wahyuni


Alfandi dan Siti Wahyuni, 2013. IMPACT OF THE USE OF PLANTING DIASTANCE AND SIZE OF POTATO TUBER SEEDS. In Indonesia for the future, potato as the potential food subsitution of rice, because the carbohidrate conten is very hight. Now very various of new type was release.Nessecery agronomical technology for increasing indonesian national production. The experiment only same one of many technology for increasing national production. The aim of this trial to found of agronomical technology for increasing of potato yield . The experiment was carried out in Juny – October 2012 at Kadumanis farmer Garden (1360 m asl), Sub District Salem, Brebes Dat istrict, Central Javal, Andosol soil type, the blacknes red soil color,. The experiment used randomized block design with two factors, namely : main plot is 3 levels of spacing, i.e. : 70 x 15 cm, 70 x 30 cm, and 70 x (30-30) cm or “double rowâ€, Sub plot is tuber size, i.e.  25 gram,  35 grams,  grams, and  55 grams. The results showed that the winder the plant spacing, the winder the leaves wide per hill. The widest leaf was 2.08 dm2/hill produced by potato grown with 70 x 30 cm plant spacing. The bigger the tuber size, the less the leaves wide per hill. Potato grow with 70 x 30 cm or 70 x (30-30) cm plant spacing gave higher yield than that with 70 x 15 cm. Tuber size of 35 gram to 55 gave the same yield and were higher than that of 25 gram.
Key word : Solanum tuberosum. L, plant distance and tuber size. Potato .tuber seeds.

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