Achmad Faqih


Acmad Faqih, 2014. THE ROLE OF AGRICULTURE EXTENSION WORKERS (ppl) ACTIVITY EMPAWERMENT GROUP IN THE PERFORMENT OF THE FARMER GROUP, Counseling is the engagement of a person to knowingly communicate information with the aim of helping the target to give an opinion so as to make the right decision . Field of agricultural extension workers (PPL has a role as an initiator, Motivator, Mediator, Supervisor, and facilitator. Farmer groups is a means of communication between farmers, as well as a place of communication between farmers and institutions involved in the technology transfer process. Performance of farmer groups is a real behavior displayed each farmer group members as a performance produced by members of the farmer - members of the group according to its role in his work . Performance indicators based on group dynamics groups include : The purpose of the group, the group structure , function and task groups , develop and nurture groups , unitary groups , group atmosphere , pressure groups and group effectiveness .This study aims to determine the role of agricultural extension in the performance group empowerment of farmer groups in the study site , determine the performance of group dynamics based on the ability of farmer groups , knowing hubangan the role of agricultural extension in the group with the performance empowerment of farmer groups . The experiment was conducted in 21 farmer groups in Sub Suranenggala Cirebon. The method used is descriptive qualitative research . Results showed Role of agricultural extension field as initiator, motivator, mediator , and facilitator in the district supervisior Suranenggala role with assessment scores by 47 members of the group . Performance farmer groups in Sub Suranenggala based on group dynamics were categorized by assessment scores by 72 members of the group.
Keywords : Agricultural Extension Workers, Empowerment Group and Farmers Group Performance

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