Tety Suciaty, Prasodjo Soedomo


Tety Suciaty dan Prosodjo Soedomo, 2013. THE EFFECT OF PRUNING TO SEEDS QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF RED SPINACH. Red spinach (Amaranthus coudatus. L) is a kind used as a base for many vegetables cook, because many contain high nutrition. Planting seeds in general spinach spread, has consequences requires a lot of seeds. Various attempts to seeds produce seed by more pruning technology is one technology to stimulation of hormones and auxin abssisi increased to increase flower production . This experiment aims to cut the spinach plants has effect to stimulate flowering. The experiments were conducted at the Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute (IVEGRI), vegetable farms, Lembang (1250 m asl) in the month of March to September 2012. Use design by randomized complete block design (the field) and completely randomized (CRD) in seeds laboratorium. Using a spits plot design model (split Plot). The main factor is the position of amaranth flower cluster, consisting of: K1: Flowers are coming out of the main stem, K2 : flower stems coming out of the secondary and K3 : Flower stalk coming out of tertiary. Subplot consisted of pruning: P1 = Control without pruning (0), P2 = Pruning 1x at 15 days after planting (DAP ), P3 = 2x Pruning at 15 DAP and 30 DAP, P4 = 3x Pruning at 15 DAP and 30 DAP and 45 DAP . The results showed that the pruning of plant are precisely produce plant height, length, number and cluster weight, seed dry weight, 1000 grain weight and seed germination rate is lower compared to the pruning.
Key word : Amaranthus coudatus. L (red spinach), pruning, seeds produce, flowering cluster position.

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