Harwan Sutomo, I Ketut Sukanata, Kadinda Retno Martani


This study aims to determine the socio-economic characteristics of consumers papaya  california,  find  out  what  are the  factors  that  influence  consumer  buying papaya california and know the process of purchasing decisions papaya california traversed by the consumer.

Design  The  study  used  a  quantitative  research  design  is  supported  by qualitative data. Research technique that uses a descriptive survey. The samples using non-sample technique chance or nonprobability sampling, the sampling method that is incidental sampling technique by accident. The amount of sample obtained was 50 respondents.

The  results  showed  that:  (1)  consumers  who  buy  papaya  california  in Harjamukti market mainly women, age 15 - 45 years old, married, family members of 3-4 people, high school education, occupation housewife , revenue of Rp. 1.000.000, - up to Rp. 1.900.000, -, to buy papaya monthly expenditure of Rp. 30.000, - up to Rp. 39.000, -. Then purchase decisions are influenced by (2) factor analysis, (a) the environmental factor with the high category, namely the category of culture medium. (b) factors of individual differences in the high category, the resource consumer with high category, with the category of high motivation, and knowledge of the medium category.  (c)  the  influence of psychological  factors in the  medium category.  (d) factors papaya attributes and attribute market with medium category. (3) Regarding the purchase of papaya: (a) Introduction of needs: affordable price, the importance of the ordinary papaya dependent desires, and decision makers to consume papaya fruit is yourself. (b) the Search for information: obtain information from relatives, and buy california papaya fruit than others is that it tastes good. (c) Evaluation of alternatives: respondents consider  papaya california  is  because the price.  Apart  in Harjamukti market, buyers can buy at the supermarket and other traditional markets. When the papaya  fruit  is  not  in  accordance  with  the  wishes  or  no  it  will  buy  other  fruit available.  (d)  The  purchase  process:  planning  beforehand.  Then  considered  in choosing where to buy papaya california because the price is more affordable. Then once a week time period purchased. And the last is that if prices go up then papaya will choose to look for alternatives other fruit. (e) Evaluation after purchase: respondents satisfied with the papaya california  in Harjamukti Market. And after purchase, consumers will buy again.

Keywords: Analysis of Consumer Behavior, Papaya California

Teks Lengkap:



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