Pengaruh Remunerasi Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Cirebon

Riza Yusniawan, Ipik Permana


The problem begins with the low performance of employees at the Cirebon Pratama Tax Service Office. Where the results of preliminary observations are suspected by low remuneration and employee job satisfaction. Thus this study uses a descriptive approach with the aim of finding the value of the magnitude of the effect of remuneration and job satisfaction on employee performance. The research method used is descriptive explanatory.

The results showed partially that the effect of remuneration on employee performance was 0.463 or 46.3% with the results of the T test found Thitung > Ttabel = 3.221 > 2.27 signifikan and positive, so H0 is accepted. While the results of the value of the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance was 0.563 or 56.3% with the results of the T test found Thitung > Ttabel = 4.204 > 2.27 significant and positive, so H0 is accepted. And the simultaneous influence obtained by the correlation value of 0.391 or 39.1% with the test F = 11.867 compared to F table = 3.32 (Fhitung > Ftabel) then the hypothesis is acceptable. While the remaining 60.9% is explained by other variables outside the variables of remuneration, job satisfaction and employee performance.

Conclusion Remuneration variables that have been given in the form of rewards received are reasonable, received bonuses are associated or not related to achievement, and the suitability of the rewards received has a positive influence in encouraging working harder according to the expected target. So that this can improve employee performance at the Cirebon Primary Tax Service Office. Likewise, employee job satisfaction variables in the Pratama Tax Office in Cirebon feel comfortable in working, pleasant work, salary in accordance with expectations, adequate career opportunities, conducive work environment and leadership style (human relations).


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