Nurul Qomariah, Heryani Agustina, Haryo Bharoto


Research conducted by the author of "Performance Evaluation of employees in improving the quality of public services in the district of Cirebon Regency Resources". This study in the background backs by employee performance in providing public services, community satisfaction to employee performance in responding / response to communities who want to do ministry.

Performance comes from understanding performance. There also give understanding performance as a result of work or work performance. However, actual performance has a broader meaning, not only the work, but including how the work progresses.

Quality is a dynamic condition that affects the products, services, people and processes and environments that meet or exceed expectations. While the service is the behavior of the government in order to meet the needs and desires of the community in order to achieve satisfaction in the society itself.

public service / public service is All forms of service performed by government agencies in the center, in the area, and the environment of the State Owned Enterprises or Regional-Owned Enterprises in the form of goods or services, either in an effort to meet the needs of society as well as within the framework of the implementation of the provisions legislation.

To answer these problems, the authors use descriptive method in this research, the method is obtained through data which is based on the observation of interviews, literature, and other sources that support and research associated with the object constituent. This field research using the interview to be a problem in the field could be in view is based on the existing reality.

These results indicate employee performance in delivering public services in the district of Cirebon Regency Resources is already running in the optimum stage, all the employees already do pekerjaaannya accordance with the regulations and duties that exist so that all services supplied or administrative process to run according to the will of society.


Keywords:Employee Performance, Quality of Service, District Office


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33603/reformasi.v2i1.1454


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