Jamboard dan Kahoot: Utilization and Learning Design on Coordinate System Material

Tri Candra Wulandari, Dita Musrifatul Maula, Rosea Ajeng, Indah Rachmawati


The aims to this study is to analyze the design of mathematics learning that using Jamboard and Kahoot in the Coordinate System material. This learning design is based on the characteristics of the 8H grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Karangploso. Learning design using Jamboard and Kahoot is a form of learning design that utilizes mobile phones in classroom learning. The use of Jamboard and Kahoot lies in the core activity stage in learning. Jamboard is used to explore students' initial information from the concept of coordinates, Jamboard is used as a substitute for question and answer activities in the process of extracting information at the beginning of the lesson, which usually causes simultaneous answers in class. Meanwhile, Kahoot is used to actively involve students in reasoning activities, problem solving by students as well as evaluating the achievement of learning activities at that time.

Kata Kunci

Jamboard; Kahoot; Lesson Design; Coordinate System

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33603/jshr.v2i2.7608


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