Comparing illocutionary speech acts in two EFL online classes: A multisite case study in Canada and Indonesia

Andhika Pratiwi Gunawan, Nurani Hartini, Herlina Herlina, Dian Farijanti, Agus Wirabhakti


Speech acts arie actions that can be seen from the speech between the speaker and the listener. Speech acts are divided into three parts, locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. This study aims to find out the illocutionary ones in Canada and Indonesia and also to find out the differences between the two countries. The data were analyzed by the theory of John R. Searle. This study obtained the final result in the form of Assertive type which appears the most in the second data followed by Expressive, Directive, and Commissive. For the difference from the second data, there are more illocutions in the Canadian data than in the Indonesian data

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