Euis Meinawati, Chodidjah Chodidjah, Sufi Alawiyah, Yudhi Cahaya Putri


The purpose of this analysis was to get Bound Morpheme in Avenged Sevenfold’s  Songs entitled M.I.A (Missing In Action) and The Stage, especially from word which attach affixes and word which change formation to indicate grammatical function as known as inflectional morpheme and to indicate making new word from root into word that attach another morpheme as known as derivational morpheme. This analysis used descriptive qualitative method. The result of the analysis focused on some affixes, consist of prefix and suffix, and kinds of bound morpheme, i.e. inflectional morpheme and derivational morpheme. It could be found there were inflectional morpheme as many as 24 (twenty four) words and derivational morpheme as many as 8 (eight) words in Avenged Sevenfold’s Songs entitled M.I.A (Missing In Action) and The Stage, and also there were affixes as many as 71 (seventy one) words, consist of prefix as many as 6 (six) words and suffix as many as 65 (sixty five) words.

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