Amran Jaenudin


"The decline in sugar cane production and sugar cane fields in the last ten years has been volatile. That is, not every year in that period has decreased, "Muhidin said. Sugar cane farmers do tend to shift from sugar cane cultivation to other types of crops which are considered more profitable. Another opinion on the transition of cultivation is due to the low sugar cane randeman. The reduced rendering resulted in many farmers switching from sugar cane to more profitable crops of rice, corn, shallots and secondary crops.

The causes of the lower rendering value include conditions of high rainfall and lack of nutrients in the soil. This lack of nutrients is because the soil has been used too long for sugarcane cultivation, this causes a reduction in soil fertility. Basically, soil testing or soil analysis has two functions: 1) showing nutrient status in the soil (management history, potential and management) and 2) can serve as a basis for monitoring production systems and measuring trends or changes in fertilization programs. By knowing the availability of nutrients, it can do the right fertilization and can increase soil fertility, so that the rendeman yield increases. Therefore, a Land Analysis Study in the Sugarcane Plantation Area was conducted.

The purpose of this research study is to identify the amount of nutrients to provide accurate information about the conditions of soil fertility in sugarcane plantation areas in Cirebon. The objectives of this research study are: 1) to determine the fertility value of sugarcane plantation areas in Cirebon and 2) to find out the factors that cause reduced nutrient content in the soil. In general, the method used in this study is by using laboratory analysis methods and qualitative descriptive methods. The results of the study are 1) in general the soil fertility status (SKT) for the 10 regions taken from soil samples is low both from the top soil and sub soil soil layers; 2) the nutrient content of Nitrogen in the soil for these 10 regions is low so it is necessary to fertilize the appropriate ZA and NPK to improve the soil fertility status of each location; 3) fertilizer recommendations made for the 10 regions are by adding Nitrogen, lime (dolomite) and manure as basic fertilizer at the beginning of planting; and 4) factors that cause reduced nutrient content are declining soil fertility status due to excessive inorganic fertilization, pesticide use, and the absence of crop rotation.


Soil Fertility, Sugar Cane Plantation, and The area in Tersana Baru Cirebon PG


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33603/agroswagati.v5i1.1890


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